Natural Language Processing

  • Type : Paperback
  • Author : Sharvari Govilkar | Sagar Kulkarni | Dhiraj Amin
  • ISBN Number : 9789386765383
  • Total Pages : 260
  • Audience : Beginner to Advance
  • Price : 345

Product Description

Natural Language Processing

Table Of Contents


  1. Introduction
  2. Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  3. Need for Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  4. Goals of Natural Language Processing:
  5. Brief overview of NLP
  6. History of NLP
  7. Generic NLP system
  8. Levels of NLP
  9. Knowledge in Language processing
  10. Ambiguity in NLP
  11. Stages of NLP
  12. Applications of NLP

Expected Questions

  1. Word Level Analysis
  2. Morphology analysis

®     Survey of English Morphology

®     Inflectional morphology & Derivational morphology

  1. Stemming and Lemmatization

®     Stemming Algorithms Examples

  1. Regular expression
  2. Finite Automata
  3. Finite-State Morphological Parsing
  4. Building a Finite-State Lexicon

®     Finite-State Transducers

®     Morphological Parsing with Finite-State Transducers

®     Orthographic Rules and Finite-State Transducers

  1. Lexicon free FST Porter stemmer

®     Porter Stemmer

  1. N –Grams

®     Language model

®     N-gram language model

®     N-gram for spelling correction

Expected Questions:

  1. Syntax Analysis

Syntax Analysis

  1. Part-Of-Speech tagging( POS)

®     Tag set for English

®     Penn Treebank

  1. Rule based POS tagging, Stochastic POS tagging

®     Rule-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging

®     Properties of Rule-Based POS Tagging

®     Stochastic Part of Speech Taggers

®     Transformation-Based Tagging

  1. Issues

®     Multiple tags and multiple words

®     Unknown words

  1. Introduction to CFG
  2. Subcategorization
  3. Movement

®     Parsing With Context-free Grammar

  1. Sequence labeling

®     Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

®     HMM for POS tagging

®     Maximum Entropy

®     Conditional Random Field (CRF)

Expected Questions

  1. Semantic Analysis
  2. Lexical semantics

®     Compositional semantics

®     What is language understanding

®     Semantic analysis vs. other areas of  natural language processing

®     Approaches to semantic analysis

®     Applications of semantic analysis

®     Why is semantic analysis difficult?

®     Why is semantic analysis important?

  1. Attachment for Fragment of English

®     Phrase level Constructions

  1. Relations among lexemes & their senses –Homonymy, Polysemy, Synonymy, Hyponymy
  2. WordNet
  3. Robust Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) - Dictionary based approach

Expected Questions

  1. Pragmatics
  2. Pragmatic analysis

Five aspects of pragmatics

®    Deixis:

®    Implicature

®    Presupposition

®    Speech Acts

®    Conversational Structure

Application that demands pragmatic understanding


  1. Discourse - reference resolution

®    Reference Resolution

  1. Reference Phenomenon
  2. Syntactic and Semantic Constraints on Coreference


Coreference distinctions

Coreference resolution

Approach to coreference resolution

Why Coreference Resolution is Hard

Coreference vs. Anaphora

Application of Coreference Resolution

Expected Questions

  1. Applications (Preferably for Indian Regional Languages)
  2. Machine Translation

®    Machine Translation System Approaches

®     Rule Based Machine Translation System

  1. Information Retrieval
  2. Question Answering System
  3. Sentiment Analysis

®     Sentiment Classification Techniques

  1. Text Categorization or Classification

®    Text Classification Techniques

  1. Text Summarization
  2. Named Entity Recognition

Expected Questions

  1. Lab Manual NLP : Computational Lab II

Experiment No 1:

®    Morphology is of two types:

®    Morphological Features:

Experiment No 2:

Experiment No 3:

Experiment No 4:

Experiment No 5

Experiment No 6

Experiment No 7

Experiment No 8

  1. References
  2. Index


Market Description

About Author

Dr. Sharvari Govilkar is a Professor and Head of Computer Engineering Department at Pillai College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She has more than 22 years of experience of  teaching in the field of Computer Engineering and Information technology. More than 35 students have completed their Post Graduation under her valuable guidance and presently 5 Ph.D. research scholars are pursuing their Ph.D. at Pillai college of Engineering , research center of the University of Mumbai .Being a member of Board Of Studies Information technology of the University of Mumbai , She is actively contributing to academics at various levels of University .She has published about 75 research papers in various national and international conferences and journals of repute . Her areas of expertise are Data analytics, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Social media analytics.


Sagar Kulkarni is an Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering Department at Pillai College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. He has more than 10 years of teaching experience .He has guided more than 20 projects at undergraduate level  in the field of Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. He has published about 15 research papers in various national and international conferences and journals . Currently he is pursuing Ph.D in  Computer Engineering from the University of Mumbai. His areas of expertise are Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.


Dhiraj Amin is an Assistant professor in Information Technology department at Pillai College  of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. He has more than 6 years of  experience  in teaching and industry. Currently , he is pursuing his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Mumbai His area of expertise are Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Data analytics.
